- 1998
- Portrait painting of Jane deLacy Kinkel
- Landscape for Dent Neurological Institute, Buffalo N.Y.
- 1992
- Cover reproduction for Reader’s Digest, A New Planting (June)
- 1984
- A series of large paintings (The Four Ages) by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company for installation at the Hancock Center, Boston
- 1981
- Portrait painting of Dean Quarles for the Virginia Engineering Foundation
- 1980
- Cover, Illustration and Design for The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse, by Morton Schoolman
- 1979
- Portrait painting of college president Roger Howell, Bowdoin College, ME
- 1977
- Portrait drawing of Harry Dent for Dent Neurological Institute, Buffalo, NY
- 1971
- Magazine cover commissions: The Center Magazine, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, CA; July/August: The Lessons of Vietnam and May/June 1972: The Liberation of Women
- 1970
- Commission of 300 bronze plaques of Dionysos, purchased by J. Walter Thompson, Inc., New York, NY
Commission of Bronze Plaque and Drawings by the Walt Whitman Society, NJ
- 1968
- Commission to make bronze plaque to be awarded by the Maine State Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- 1966
- Print edition commissioned by the International Graphic Art Society
- Portrait drawing and sculpture of Joseph Hirshhorn
- 1964
- Portrait drawing of Senator David Graham, Maine
- 1961
- Portrait drawing of Chancellor Cheadle, University of California at Santa Barbara