Martica Sawin, Essay for Gallery Exhibition, August 2013

Martica Sawin, Essay for Gallery Exhibition, August 2013 Before his death last December Thomas Cornell had completed fifty years as a faculty member in the Bowdoin College Art Department. He arrived at Bowdoin in 1962 with a reputation based on his prodigious skill as...

The Manead Etchings, by Rose Marie Frick, Frick Gallery, 1990

The Manead Etchings, by Rose Marie Frick, Frick Gallery, 1990 Thomas Cornell’s meditation on Dionysos reflects his concern for the relationship between humanity and nature, including a response to feminism. The maneads were associates of Dionysos, women who left their...

Daniel Kany, Maine Sunday Telegram, September 15, 2013

Daniel Kany, Maine Sunday Telegram, September 15, 2013 These prints are postcards from the edge — like artifacts from expeditions into the unmappable id or broken shards of our collective memories. What makes this work so instantly compelling is the sheer...

Martha Schwendener, The New York Times, June 1, 2007

Martha Schwendener, The New York Times, June 1, 2007 Although there is little here (the National Academy members’ exhibition) that will surprise you, some works gain interest when read against the grain. Paintings like Thomas Cornell’s …would register as quirky-cool...