Thomas Cornell
1937-2012 (Times Record Obituary)
Amherst College, B.A., 1959
Yale University School of Art and Architecture, 1959-60
Bowdoin College, Maine; Professor, 1962-2012
Richard E. Steele Professor of Visual Arts, 2001-2012
One-Man Exhibitions
- 2021
- Zillman Art Museum (formerly University of Maine Museum of Art), Bangor ME, “Thomas Cornell, A Vision Accomplished,” January 15-August 7
- 2013
- June Fitzpatrick Gallery, Portland ME, “The Priority of Nature” Essay by Martica Sawin
- 1997
- G.W. Einstein Company, New York, NY
- 1990
- Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick ME
- catalogue with an introduction by Martica Sawin
- 1989
- G.W. Einstein Company, New York, NY
- 1986
- G.W. Einstein Company, New York, NY
- 1987
- Morehead State University, Claypool-Young Art Building, Kentucky
- 1981
- A.M. Sachs Gallery, New York, NY
- 1980
- Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California
- 1977
- Barridoff Galleries, Portland, ME
- University of Bridgeport, CT
- 1979
- A.M. Sachs Gallery, New York, NY
- University of Redlands, CA
- 1976
- Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
- 1974
- Daniel Grishman Gallery, Boston, MA
- 1972
- Associated American Artists, New York, NY
- Optik Gallery, Amherst, MA
- 1971
- Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME and Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- catalogue with an introduction by Marvin Sadik
- 1968
- Block Gallery, St. Louis, MO
- 1967
- Wesleyan University, CT
- Fisk University, Nashville, TN
- 1966
- Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
- Tragos Gallery, Boston, MA
- 1965
- Yale University Library (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library), CT
- Sabersky Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
- Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
- Williams College Museum of Art
- Smith Glass Gallery, Northampton, MA
- 1963
- Esther Bear Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
- 1961
- Esther Bear Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
Group Exhibitions
Then to Now, Paintings from the Collection, The University of Maine Zillman Art Museum, September 15-December 30
At First Light: Two Centuries of Artists in Maine, Bowdoin College Museum of Art
- Law’s Picture Books, The Yale Law Library Collection, Grolier Club, New York City. Catalogue with essays by Michael Widener, Mark S. Weiner, Jolande E. Goldberg, and Erin C. Blake
- Persistence: The Continuing Influence of Classical Myths, Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- Pathways to Contemporary Art, Maine Jewish Museum, Portland ME
- Group Show, Aucocisco Galleries, Portland ME
- The Annual, National Academy Museum, New York, NY
- National Academy Museum, New York, NY
- Great Graphics: Prints and Drawings 1470-1970, Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME
2007 American Arcadia, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA - National Academy Museum, NYC
- Great Graphics: Prints and Drawings 1470-1970, Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME
- The Maine Print Project, The Portland Museum of Art, ME
- Maine Menagerie, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, ME
- Group Show, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
- Group Show, June Fitzpatrick Gallery, Portland ME
- Disegno, National Academy of Design, NYC
- 178th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, NYC
- Summertime, Potter & Slack Fine Art, Marbledale, CT
- Group Show, Potter & Slack Fine Art, Marbledale, CT
- Bowdoin Faculty Exhibition, Icon Gallery, Brunswick, ME
- The Spirit of New England, Potter & Slack Fine Art, Marbledale CT
- The Perception of Appearances: A Decade of American Contemporary Figurative Drawing, Frye Art Museum, Seattle WA
- The Pervasive, yet Elusive, Dionysos, Bowdoin College Museum, Brunswick ME
- Eighteen Alumni Artists, Mead Art Museum, Amherst, MA
- Focus on the Collection, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
- 176th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
- 1998 Notations of Color: Oil Sketching in Maine, Bates College, Maine
- 172nd Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
- Plein Air Painting, Bates College Art Museum, Lewiston, ME
- Group Exhibition, G.W. Einstein Co., New York, NY
- 171st Annual Exhibition (juried), National Academy of Design, New York, NY
- Art Professors’s Show, Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset, ME
- Context Considered, Perspectives of American Art, Bowdoin College Museum exhibition with catalogue, Linda J. Docherty, Brunswick, ME
- Maine Printmaking, Round Top Center for the Arts, Damariscotta, ME
- Maine Artists, The Blaine House, Augusta, ME
- Group Show, J.S. Ames Fine Art, Belfast, ME
- Flora, Fauna, & Firearms, G.W. Einstein Co., New York, NY
- Self-Portraits, Icon Gallery, Brunswick, ME
- Group Show, G.W. Einstein, New York, NY
- Men Working, curated by Charles Parness at G.W. Einstein, New York, NY
- 168th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
- Anniversary Exhibition, Portland Museum of Art, July 25–October, (including the inaugural exhibition of Four Ages commissioned and donated by John Hancock Corporation)
- American Works on Paper, G. W. Einstein, New York, NY
- Expedition Maine, Sherry French Gallery (NYC), Tenant’s Harbor, ME
- Looking at the Land, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport ME
- Pertinent Dissimilarities: The Figure, Webster University, St. Louis, MO
- Art of Maine: A Bounty of Woods and Water, The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ
- Personal Choices: An Invitational Exhibition, G.W. Einstein, New York, NY
- Against the Grain 1960–1990: Images in American Art, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, PA
- Artists by Artists, Barn Gallery, Ogunquit, ME
- The 166th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
- New Work, G.W. Einstein Company, New York, NY
- Selections from the Reed College Art Collection, Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Portland, OR
- Artists’ Gardens, Noyes Museum, Oceanville, NJ
- Preparatory Drawings, The Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR
- Printmakers Who Teach, University of Maine at Augusta, ME
- The Modern Pastoral, Robert Schoelkopf Gallery Ltd., New York, NY
- Self Portraits, John Szoke Gallery, New York, NY
- The Landscape Observed, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Baltimore, MD
- American Painting After the Death of Painting, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow USSR (First Group Exhibition of American Art in the Soviet Union, curated by Donald Kuspit in association with the U.S.S.R. Artists Union)
- Artists’ Book Arts, The Baxter Gallery, Portland School of Art, Portland, ME
- Coming of Age: Twenty One Years of Collecting, Madison Art Center, Madison, WI
- The Figure, The Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR (catalogue essay by Townsend Wolfe)
- The Face of the Land, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, PA
- Utopian Visions, curated by The Museum of Modern Art, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY
- Maine Teachers, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport, ME
- Studied From Life: Paintings by Contemporary American Artists, Bayly Art Museum at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Utopian Visions, curated by the Museum of Modern Art, American Express, NY
- Plein Air, Bank of Boston, MA
- Painting Exhibition, G.W. Einstein Co. New York, NY
- Aspects of Contemporary Realism, Jerald Melberg Gallery, Charlotte, NC
- Contemporary Still Life Painting, Robert Schoelkopf Gallery Ltd., NY
- Twentieth Century American Drawings—The Figure in Context, International Foundation Traveling Exhibition: Terra Museum of Art (Evanston, IL), Arkansas Arts Center (LittleRock, AR), Oklahoma Museum of Art (Oklahoma City), Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, OH), Elvehjem Museum of Art (Madison, WI), National Academy of Design (NYC)
- Landscapes, One Penn Plaza
- Contemporary Still Life Painting, Robert Schoelkopf Gallery Ltd., New York, NY
- 46th Annual Midyear Show, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH
- British International Print Biennale (the Seventh), Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Out of New York, Root Art Center, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
- Invitational Group Exhibitions, Artists’ Choice Museum, Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY
- Great Portrait Drawings, National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.
- Art on Paper, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, NC
- Contemporary Printmakers, Pratt Graphic Center, New York, NY
- Master Etchers, Paperworks Gallery, Larchmont, NY
- Toward a Revival of Classicism II, Tatistcheff & Company, New York, NY
- Figures, University of Maine, Augusta, ME
- Group Exhibition, The Thomas H. Bayly Memorial Building, University of Virginia Art Museum
- 500 Years of Printmaking, Bowdoin College, ME
- Drawing Show, M and L Gallery, New York, NY
- National Invitational Print Exhibition, Habitat Galleries, Dearborn, MI
- New Directions, Barridoff Galleries, Portland, ME
- 30 Years of American Printmaking, Brooklyn Museum, NY
- ?In Their Own Image?, Printmakers and their Students, Southern Connecticut State College, CN
- Figurative Exhibition, Frost Gully Gallery, Portland, ME
- Contemporary Printmakers, Williams College Museum, MA
- Group Exhibition, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport, ME
- The 1976 May Show, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland OH
- Living American Artists & The Figure, Pennsylvania State University
- Modern Printmakers, The Rochester Institute of Technology, Bevier Gallery, Rochester, NY
- The Art of the Burin, Bonfoey Galleries, Cleveland, OH
- Graphics from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Johnson, Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, CA
- Far Gallery, exclusive representation, NYC
- Painters as Printmakers, Museum of Modern Art, NY
- Young New England Painters, Ringling Art Museum, Sarasota FL; Portland Museum of Art, Portland ME; Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester NH
- Group Show, Forum Gallery, New York, NY
- Etchings, University of San Diego, CA
- Twentieth Century Illustrated Books, Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL
- National Council of Fine Arts exhibition in the White House, Washington D.C.
- Grolier Club, New York, NY
- New England Art Exhibition, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
- Opening Exhibition, Principia College, Elsah, IL
- Brooklyn Museum Print Show
- Philadelphia Print Club Invitational Print Show
- Four printmakers, Contemporaries Gallery, New York, NY
- Group Show, Jewish Community Center, New Haven, NJ
Selected Collections
Achenbach Foundation, San Francisco CA
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover MA
Art, Design & Architecture Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara
Bank of Boston
Bates College Museum of Art
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick ME
Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick ME
Canton Museum of Art, OH
Center for Figurative Painting, NYC
Chemical Bank, NYC
Cleveland Museum of Art, OH
Colby Museum of Art, Waterville ME
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington DE
Dent Neurological Institute, Buffalo NY
Farnsworth Museum, Rockland ME
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA
Fleming Museum, University of VT
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint MI
Grunwald Center Collection, Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
Harvard University, Cambridge MA
High Museum of Art, Atlanta GA
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Johnson
Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress, Washington DC
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison WI
Massachusetts Institute of Technology List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge MA
Mead Museum of Art, Amherst College, MA
Mitsubishi Corporation
Museum of Modern Art, NYC
National Gallery Art, Washington D.C.
National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.
New York Public Library, NYC
Portland Museum of Art, Portland ME
P.P.G. Industries, Pittsburg PA
Princeton University Library (Collection of Erwin Panofsky), NJ
Rodale Press, NJ
Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE
Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton MA
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C.
Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah GA
United States Department of State, Washington DC
University of Delaware Art Galleries, Newark, DE
University of New England Art Galleries, ME
Virginia Engineering Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
Wright Ludington Collection
Yale University, New Haven CT
Zillman Art Museum, University of Maine, Bangor ME
Awards, Grants, Fellowships and Honors
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, 1993
President, Union of Maine Visual Artists, 1991-1992
Maine Arts Commission, Artist in Residence Program, Portland School of Art, Portland, ME, 1990
Elected to the National Academy of Design, 1984
Ford Foundation Grant (for the study and illustration of Euripides’ Bacchae), 1969-70
Fulbright Grant awarded by the Institute for International Education, 1966
National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Fellowship (currently The National Endowment for the Arts), 1966-67
Grolier Club, New York; elected to membership; exhibition and lecture, 1966
Archive established, Yale University Library (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library), CT, 1965
Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and The National Institute of Arts and Letters; exhibition, May-August 1964
Louis Comfort Tiffany Award, 1961
New England Drawing Competition: First Prize, Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, CT, 1960
New Haven Winter Show: First Prize, Drawing, 1960
Selected Reviews, Books, and Articles
Art New England, review by Carl Little of “Thomas Cornell: A Vision Accomplished” exhibition at Zillman Museum of Art, Bangor ME, January/February 2021
Maine Arts Journal, “Very Few People: Contemporary Figurative Art in Maine,” Edgar Allen Beem, Winter 2020
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Daniel Kany, September 15, 2013
Exhibition Essay by Martica Sawin, “Thomas Cornell: The Priority of Nature,” August 2013
The Bowdoin Orient, “Artist-in-Residence to Retire after Half-Century at Bowdoin,” by Peter Griesmer, April 27, 2012
The New York Times, review by Martha Schwendener, June 1, 2007
Paintings of Maine, edited by Carl Little, Downeast Books, 2006
The Imprint of Place, David P. Becker, Downeast Books, 2006
The New York Observer, in review by Hilton Kramer, July 11, 2005
Environment and History, Volume 9, No. 3, “Valuing Nature: A Set of papers Resulting From The Shipman Workshop,” article reviewed by Peter Coates, University of Bristol, UK, August 2003
The Bowdoin Orient, review by Jonathan L. Knapp, October 30, 1998
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Ken Greenleaf, October 4, 1998
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Philip Isaacson, May 29, 1994
The Times Record, review by Kim Cannon, May 26, 1994
The Christian Science Monitor, Melissa Madenski, August 17, 1993
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Greg Gadberry, August 16, 1992
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Greg Gadberry, July 7, 1991
Paintings of Maine, book by Carl Little, ©1990
Maine Art Now, book by Edgar Allen Beem, Dog Ear Press, ©1990
The Republican Journal and the Bucksport Free Press, reviews by Valerie Van Winkle; June 1990
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Sherry Miller; May 27, 1990
Maine Times, review by Edgar Allen Beem; May 11, 1990
Art in America, review by Paul Smith, May 1990
Maine Sunday Telegram, review of Voiceprints by Mark Melnicove; February 18, 1990
Art-Talk, by Ruth Bass; January 1990
Arts & Antiques, review by Jean Nathan; December 1989
Maine Times, review by Edgar Allen Beem; November 3, 1989
Post-Modernism, The New Classicism in Art and Architecture, book by Charles Jencks, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., ©1987
Maine Life Magazine, article by Muriel L. Hendrix; February-March 1987
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Philip Isaacson; May 11, 1986
Drawing, The International Review, published by the Drawing Society, “The Symbolic Renewal” by Ronny H. Cohen; September-October 1982
Arts Magazine, review by George M. Tapley, Jr.; February 1983
Art Scribe, review by Robert Ayers, London; February 1982
Arts Magazine, review by Paul Smith; February 1982
The New York Times, review by Vivien Raynor; December 4, 1981
Dictionary of Contemporary Artists, Paul Cummings, ©1980
Art Monthly, review by Peter Fuller; March 1980
Arts Magazine, review by Alan Wallach; February 1980
Artweek, review by Ruth Weisberg; December 8, 1979
The New York Times, review by Hilton Kramer; November 30, 1979
Maine Times, review by Charles Stanley; August 26, 1977
Portland Press Herald, review by Patricia McGraw Anderson; August 22, 1977
The Figurative Tradition, Nine Artists and their Prints, Philip Verre, Williamstown MA, ©1976, exhibition March 1976
Portland Press Herald, review by Philip Isaacson; 1976
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Philip Isaacson; April 4, 1976
The Christian Science Monitor, review by Judy Van der Veer; January 20, 1975
The New Humanism, Art in a Time of Change by Barry Schwartz, 1974
Cleveland Plain Dealer, review by Helen B. Cullinan; September 16, 1973
Maine Sunday Telegram, review by Philip Isaacson; 1972
The New York Times, review by John Canaday; January 15, 1972
Princeton Alumni Weekly; April 27, 1971
Maine Sunday Telegram, reviews by Philip Isaacson; July 7 and 27, 1969
St. Petersburg Times, review by Charles Benbow; April 7, 1969
Portland Press Herald, review by Philip Isaacson; 1968
Nashville Banner; November 17, 1967
London Times Literary Supplement, review; March 31, 1966
New York Times, review by John Canaday; January 3, 1966
Art in America, review by Cleve Gray; October-November, 1965
Forum, San Francisco; April, 1965
Los Angeles Times, review by Henry Seldis; February, 1965
New York Times, review by John Canaday; July 12, 1964
Spectrum, University of California; Spring 1964
Los Angeles Times, review by Henry Seldis; Spring 1962
Art in American, “New Talent, U.S.A.”; 1961
- 1998
- Portrait painting of Jane deLacy Kinkel
- Landscape for Dent Neurological Institute, Buffalo N.Y.
- 1992
- Cover reproduction for Reader’s Digest, A New Planting (June)
- 1984
- A series of large paintings (The Four Ages) by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company for installation at the Hancock Center, Boston
- 1981
- Portrait painting of Dean Quarles for the Virginia Engineering Foundation
- 1980
- Cover, Illustration and Design for The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse, by Morton Schoolman
- 1979
- Portrait painting of college president Roger Howell, Bowdoin College, ME
- 1977
- Portrait drawing of Harry Dent for Dent Neurological Institute, Buffalo, NY
- 1971
- Magazine cover commissions: The Center Magazine, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, CA; July/August: The Lessons of Vietnam and May/June 1972: The Liberation of Women
- 1970
- Commission of 300 bronze plaques of Dionysos, purchased by J. Walter Thompson, Inc., New York, NY
Commission of Bronze Plaque and Drawings by the Walt Whitman Society, NJ
- Commission of 300 bronze plaques of Dionysos, purchased by J. Walter Thompson, Inc., New York, NY
- 1968
- Commission to make bronze plaque to be awarded by the Maine State Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- 1966
- Print edition commissioned by the International Graphic Art Society
- Portrait drawing and sculpture of Joseph Hirshhorn
- 1964
- Portrait drawing of Senator David Graham, Maine
- 1961
- Portrait drawing of Chancellor Cheadle, University of California at Santa Barbara
Selected Lectures and Published Papers
- 2007
- Conference, Society for Science Literature and the Arts, Moderator/Presenter, November 1-4, Presentation: Designing the New World Picture
- 2003
- Lecture: University of Southern Maine, sponsored by the Philosophy Department; Aesthetics & Ethics Are One: Depicting a Just Political Vision, December 2
- Public Dialogue with William Geoghehan: Bowdoin College, ME; Nietzsche & Plato: On Art, Philosophy and Religion, December 9
- 2002
- Essay: “Valuing Nature: The Imperative of Being,” from Valuing Nature: A set of Papers Resulting From The Shipman Workshop, Bowdoin College
- Lecture for Chaired Professorship: Bowdoin College, ME; On ‘Nature’ and ‘Good,’ An Artist’s Reconciliation of Aesthetics and Ethics; October 1
- 2001
- Lecture: Amherst College, MA; Naturalism and the Good
- 1998
- Lecture: Bowdoin College, ME; Valuing Nature: An Artist’s Perspective
- 1993
- Museum Talk, Portland Museum of Art, ME; The Four Ages, September 20
- 1992
- Maine Alliance for Arts Education keynote address; Nature in the Arts & Humanities, March 7
- 1980
- Lecture: The New York Studio School, New York, NY; January 18
Lecture: The Alliance of Figurative Artists, New York, NY; Considerations of Classicism; March 14-21 - Lecture: University of Iowa; April
- Lecture: The New York Studio School, New York, NY; January 18
- 1979
- Lecture: Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY; sponsored by the Graduate Arts Students Union, February 20
Lecture: The Alliance of Figurative Artists, New York; Sentiment, Content and Narration; April 7 - Lecture: Queens College, Queens, NY, April 26
- Lecture: Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY; sponsored by the Graduate Arts Students Union, February 20
- 1976
- Maine Public Broadcasting Network, radio interview by Neal Peterson, Portland ME: Politics and Art
Director of first conference of Union of Maine Visual Artists; paper: The Realistic Use of the Creative Impulse
- Maine Public Broadcasting Network, radio interview by Neal Peterson, Portland ME: Politics and Art
- 1967
- Lecture: Stanford University in Germany, Beutelsback, February
- 1966
- Grolier Club, New York; elected to membership; exhibition and lecture
Teaching Positions
Bowdoin College, Maine; Professor, 1962-2012
Richard E. Steele Professor of Visual Arts, 2001-2012
New York Drawing Association (currently the New York Academy of Art), Founding Advisor, 1982
Princeton University; Lecturer, Visual Arts Program, 1969-71
Massa Lubrense, Italy (Sorrento); taught and directed Summer Art School, 1967
University of California, Santa Barbara; Instructor in Art, 1960-62
Fine Arts Publications
Song of the Broad-Axe, Walt Whitman, Deluxe edition contains bronze relief of “Eagle,” cast by Cornell in 1968, Ascensius Press, 2020
Ethan Frome, color etching of Edith Wharton, Ascensius Press; Portland, ME, 2001
Voiceprints, Romulus Editions, by poet David Walker with five etchings, 1989
Tragos Press established 1964 by Cornell has published:
Frederick Douglass, Broadside
William Lloyd Garrison, Broadside
Bayard Rustin, Broadside
A Letter to Aaron Tarr, Civil War Letter
Composed for Dying, poems by David Walker
Frederick Douglass, small book
The Defense of Gracchus Babeuf, including 21 etchings; Gehenna Press; Northampton, MA, 1964
Republished by the University of Massachusetts Press, 1967
Republished by Shocken Books, 1971
The Monkey, Smith College Press; edition of 60; 1959
Copyright © Thomas Cornell. All Rights Reserved